Historical: Legionaire’s dz first described in 1976
American Legion convention in Philadelphia hotel.
Epidemiology: 2-15% of all com-acq pneumon req
hospitalization. (top 3-4 bugs) Only 3% correctly dxd. Legionella pheumonia more likely to be
severe by VS and CXR, more likely to req ICU.
RISK FACTORS: cig smoking,
chronic lung dz, immunosuppression (esp. steroids), surgery (esp transplant).
inhalation of aerosols (cooling towers, respiratory therapy equip,
whirlpool baths) or microaspiration of contaminated water (head and neck surg,
NG tubes).
factors: 40 species,
less than ˝ cause dz in humans. L
pneumophila most virulent (90% of cases).
14 serogroups, serogroup 1 accounts for > 80% of cases. Flagella linked w/ virulence.
Manifestations: Broad
spectrum of illness from mild cough and low-grade fever to stupor, resp and
multi-organ failure. Early sxs
non-specific: fever, malaise, myalgias,
anorexia, HA. T often > 40. Cough slightly productive sometimes
hemoptysis. CP, sometimes
pleuritic. GI sxs: watery diarrhea 20-40%. CV:
relative bradycardia. FEN: Hyponatremia (Na < 130). Extrapulm:
myocarditis, pericarditis, postcardiotomy synd, prosthetic valve
endocarditis, sinusitis, cellulitis, pancreatitis, peritonitis, pyelo.
1. Cx: most definitive. Charcoal-yeast extract medium. Many labs do not cx properly. Sputum cx may be revealing regardless of
quality of specimen.
2. DFA:
sensitivity < cx. Monoclonal
test superior.
3. Legionella Urinary Antigen: Sens 70%, Spec 100%. Sens improved by ultrafiltration of
urine. Remains positive for weeks on
abx. Less than 10% positive after 60
days post rx. Only detects serogroup
4. Serologic tests: 4-fold increase in convalescent titers. Must include IgM and IgG.
5. PCR:
Highly specific, no more senstitive than cx.
6. Pleural fluid: send for cx and LUA.
1. Erythro- historical drug of choice
2. Azithro- greater intracellular and lung
3. Quniolones- annecdotal support, esp
4. Rifampin- rec in combination w/ macrolide or
quinolone in severly ill pts.
5. Tetracycline, imipenem. Bactrim, oflox,
clinda reported.